Answer: POET
POET is a crossword puzzle answer that we have spotted 282 times.
Referring Clues:
- Pound, e.g.
- Keats, for one
- "Painter of the soul": D'Israeli
- Shakespeare, e.g.
- Versifier
- 58-Across, e.g.
- Rhymer
- Sexton or Pope, e.g.
- Dickinson or Frost, e.g.
- Gwendolyn Brooks, e.g.
- One concerned with feet
- Verse writer
- Langston Hughes, e.g.
- One who works with feet
- O'Neill's "A Touch of the ___"
- Shelley, for one
- One with idyll musings?
- Coffeehouse performer
- Sonneteer
- Sexton, say
- Laureate figure, maybe
- Sappho, e.g.
- Meter reader?
- Linesman, maybe?
- Frost or Burns
- Lay man?
- Limerick writer, say
- Yeats or Keats
- Eliot or Frost
- "Every man will be a ___ if he can": Thoreau
- One who handles stress effectively?
- Foot specialist?
- Foot specialist
- Lay person?
- Coleridge, for one
- Sonneteer, e.g.
- Rhyme writer
- Burns or Browning
- Meter man?
- "You're a ___ and don't know it"
- Lyricist, essentially
- Coffeehouse attraction, maybe
- Bard
- Lord Byron or Lord Tennyson
- Robert Browning, for one
- Walt Whitman, for one
- Walt Whitman, e.g.
- Robert Frost, for one
- Robert Pinsky or e. e. cummings
- Rhymester
- Browning of pages of verse, for example
- Haiku author
- One putting one's feet together?
- Donne or Bradstreet
- Slam participant
- Dante or Dickinson
- One well-versed in words' worth
- "I'm a ___ and don't know it!"
- Keats or Yeats
- Couplet creator
- Meter master
- Virgil, for one
- Burns, e.g.
- Slam competitor
- Limerick writer, e.g.
- Snug-bug connector?
- Writer of rhymes
- Frost, e.g.
- Burns or Byron
- One working with feet?
- One appealing to a meter reader?
- Pound, for one
- Frost, say
- 39-Across writer
- Pound, notably
- Ogden Nash, for one
- Spender, for one
- Donne, for one
- One working with feet
- Coffeehouse entertainer
- Odist, for one
- Writer of 11 Down
- Frost or Pound
- Blake or Burns
- Verse's author
- Coffeehouse reader, perhaps
- Rap composer, in a way
- One concerned with rhythm and feet
- Langston Hughes, for one
- Tennyson, for one
- Artist with words
- Richard Purdy Wilbur, e.g.
- Pentameter pro
- Pablo Neruda, e.g.
- One concerned with feet and rhythm
- Timotheus or Phrynichus, e.g.
- Sarton or Burns
- One with rhythm
- Frost, for one
- Metrist, sometimes
- One inspired by Calliope
- Imagist
- Sonnet creator
- Sonnet writer
- Whitman or Whittier
- Wordsworth, for one
- Donne or Pound, e.g.
- One who works in feet and meters
- Sexton or Burns, e.g.
- One with stressing work?
- Ezra Pound's profession
- W.H. Auden or E.E. Cummings
- Limerick writer
- Foot massager?
- Byron or Burns
- Chaucer or Milton
- Person creating rhymes
- One inspired by Erato
- One working with feet professionally
- One who works in feet
- Bard or minstrel
- Ballad writer
- Keats or Byron
- Allen Ginsberg or Jack Kerouac
- Verse creator
- Verse expert
- Skilled wordsmith
- Shakespeare or Shelley
- Doggerelist, e.g.
- Robert Frost, e.g.
- Keats, e.g.
- Idyllist, e.g.
- Rhyme user
- Job involving stress
- Foot massage expert?
- ___ laureate
- One writing verse
- Whitman, e.g.
- Annie Finch or Rita Dove
- Verse maker
- Worker with a lot of stress?
- Coffeehouse reader
- Auden or Aiken
- 107 Down, for one
- Coffeehouse entertainer, sometimes
- Certain laureate
- Donne or Rimbaud, e.g.
- Robert Service
- Lorna Crozier
- Baudelaire or Rimbaud, e.g.
- Recital artist
- Pablo Neruda, for one
- Shelley, e.g.
- One published in a literary magazine, perhaps
- Haiku maker
- Kipling or Keats
- cummings, for one
- One who deals with stress well?
- Natasha Trethewey, for one
- "God is the perfect ___": Browning
- Doe, e.g.
- Imaginative writer
- Emily Dickinson, e.g.
- Writer of 12-Down
- One who might go from bed to verse
- Browning or Kipling
- Expert on feet?
- T.S. Eliot or e.e. cummings
- Byron, e.g.
- One seeking money for a meter?
- Rhyme creator
- Ode composer
- Master of rhymes
- Pound or Pope
- Rhyme master
- 28-Across, e.g.
- Prior or Pope
- Writer of verses
- One concerned with foot placement
- Well-versed one?
- One concerned with rhythm
- Writer of verse
- Orpheus, for one
- Poe or Browning
- Dealer in 15-Across
- Yearly Library of Congress appointee
- Odist, e.g.
- Keats or Tennyson
- Epic creator
- Master rhymer
- Odist, for instance
- "Always be a ___, even in prose": Baudelaire
- Virgil, e.g.
- Coffeehouse reciter
- Recital VIP
- Burns or Sexton, e.g.
- Pound, but not ounce
- Well-versed artist?
- Meter user
- Donne, e.g.
- 14-Across, for one
- Stanza writer
- Certain Pulitzer Prize recipient
- Writer of flowery verses
- Homer and such
- Brooke or Brooks
- Expert on meters and feet
- One who works with meters and feet
- Browning, e.g.
- Slam artist
- Lyricist's kin
- Maya Angelou, e.g.
- Meter-watcher
- Writer whose mission/Is rhymed composition
- Whitman or Wilbur
- Sexton or Nemerov
- Any limerick writer
- Haiku writer, say
- Reader at a slam
- Frost or Browning
- 35-Across writer
- Rhythmic versifier
- Nightingale, per Shelley
- Wilbur or Merrill
- Coffee shop entertainer
- Wilbur or Nemerov
- Rhymer at a coffeehouse
- Mary Oliver, e.g.
- Auden, Blake or Coleridge
- Shelley's "nightingale"
- Browning or Burns
- Person creating verses
- Many a Pulitzer winner
- Shakespeare or Pound
- "Every great architect is ... a great ___": Wright
- Audre Lorde or Lord Byron
- Rap writer, e.g.
- Foot expert?
- Homer, for one
- Frost or Nash
- Gwendolyn Brooks or Ocean Vuong
- "A nightingale who sits in darkness," per Shelley
- Person who writes verses
- One who's well-versed in the arts?
- Browning but not cooking
- Expert on feet
- Angelou or Dickinson
- Competitor in a verbal slam
- Ocean Vuong, for example
- Adrienne Rich or Nikki Giovanni
- "God is the perfect ___": Robert Browning
- Amanda Gorman, e.g.
- Occupation for 32-Down
- Cameron Awkward-Rich, for example
- Sappho or Pindar
- Amanda Gorman or Maya Angelou
- Khadijah Queen, for one
- Author Harte
- Joshua Jennifer Espinoza, for one
- Sharon Olds, e.g.
- Jenny Zhang, for example
- Sarah Kay, for example
- Stress specialist?
- One who's well-versed
- Amanda Gorman, for one
- Maya Angelou, for one
- Ada Limón, for one
- Ariana Brown or Elizabeth Barrett Browning
- Writer such as Nima Yooshij
- Ode creator
- Ada Limón, e.g.
- Audre Lorde, e.g.
- Wordsmith like Wordsworth
- 3-Down, for one
- Versin' person?
- Literary magazine contributor, perhaps
- 17-Across, for one
- Writer such as Mahmoud Darwish
- Ballad penner
- Philip Larkin or Patricia Lockwood
- Rupi Kaur, for one
- Sappho of Ocean Vuong
Last Seen In:
- New York Times - March 04, 2025
- New York Times - January 22, 2025
- USA Today - July 10, 2024
- New York Times - June 10, 2024
- LA Times - May 12, 2024
- New York Times - May 06, 2024
- USA Today - April 03, 2024
- New York Times - March 15, 2024
- LA Times - February 15, 2024
- New York Times - January 08, 2024
- LA Times - November 09, 2023
- USA Today - November 08, 2023
- USA Today - August 15, 2023
- LA Times - July 10, 2023
- LA Times - June 30, 2023
- LA Times - June 18, 2023
- LA Times - May 27, 2023
- USA Today - May 01, 2023
- USA Today - April 25, 2023
- LA Times - February 28, 2023
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